Dear ladies and gentlemen, after carefully taking opinions from website designers, users, and a adding a bit of common sense, we have decided to move the main menu to the top of the portal.
We also want to not that an issue is present with this, we wanted to leave the menus large, but creating submenus is a hassle, so there is a small green arrow below the "home" button, you can click this to access the main menu submenus.
Now we also want you to note, the background image was changed a bit, it got distorted, we are not too sure how that happened, but you can ignore it for now.
Cthulhu answers is up, and fully functional, the Cthulhu store is growing as we find more products that may interest you.
We have also updated the "search function" so now you may search people's profiles, making it easier to find people.
What else? Hmmmmh Oh yeah! We are working on making comments ping back to your personal profiles, to make this more like a social network. We are also working on allowing each user to have his or her own blog, this will allow you to blog, absolutely free :)
Stay tuned people, we are also updating Cthulhu Videos when we get the time, and the forum layout! :)
Here is an inspirational photo done by a great artist: