By IronCrossCthulhu on Monday, 15 April 2013
Category: Breaking News

Two Explosions in Boston leave many injured

explosions boston

In what appears to be an absolute horrific end to the Boston marathon, two medium-sized explosions have caused massive amounts of carnage. Multiple people have been confirmed to be in "critical" near-fatal condition.

People in the surrounding buildings [above and below] appear to have also suffered damage. The surrounding buildings' structures may have been compromised due to the explosions, and access to the general public has been restricted at this time.

The main cause of the explosion may be a gas line, but that was quickly ruled out because the warning sign prior to the explosion was white smoke, and natural gas is colorless.

People have, as they usually do , just rampaged the hell away from the explosion.  We will continue to give coverage as the event continues to be reported publically.

explosion in Boston leaves many injured aftermath

The explosion -perhaps a gas leak-

The Marathon website has stated "it is presumed two bombs have gone off at this time". [source : twitter]

3:50 pm eastern time: police have located a third explosive and exploded it in a controlled environment near 600 Boilston street [source :yahoo] -unconfirmed-

Here is a video of the explosion as it happens

This just in , we have an image of a starbucks that was in the area:

starbucks blown to shreds

4:03 pm eastern time, mass general has confirmed that 15 people are currently being treated for severe injuries. [source: mass general twitter]

4:04 pm 2 stated as "dead" 22 stated as "severely injured" - [source: twitter]

4:06 pm eastern time a general conference will be held by the Boston fire department at 4:30 Atlantic time (eastern)

police react to aftermath of explosion

4:10 pm eastern time Boston police CONFIRM 23  injured and two dead! :(

boston police confirm dead and injured

Another image of an injured person being nearly trampled has gone viral , this is truly unfortunate and the worst Boston Marathon in the history of it's existence!

people scattering amidst explosion

Twitter is unreliable, but we have this: 

Jason, Boston PD reported that as a controlled explosion, likely of another suspicious package or something.

The whitehouse and CIA have been notified of the situation , the president will have his staff stay in close contact with local authorities until the chaos is resolved. But as of now, it has become a federal issue, probably a terrorist act, but we wont assume the worst.
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