

Logo 2015 

This website is a project which has been a collaborative effort for over seven years. The project currently supports a wide variety of social networking features as well as many entertainment features.

This website is intended to be fully run and managed by the community. We implore anyone that lands on this page to sign up and explore what we currently have to offer.

Current Version: Alpha-0.0.1 "Ocelot"


Lets Go through all of this really quickly. This will be your guide to Cthulhu Etiquette

1) Be polite to each other. We are not barbarians so ,please, do not go about insulting and threatening each other! Reparations and possible bans will be exacted on any account if such behavior is committed. We do not mean "don't cuss" or don't talk about dirty stuff, just don't make each other cry, unless utterly necessary.

2) Under no circumstances , as of now, are you permitted to post pornography (this might change if we grow large enough to accommodate a moderated community) , gore (we don't want this at all, even in the future) , or racial / offensive things to the point where we would be in trouble for letting such stuff exist. Any such material will be censored, and bans may be issued based on the severity of the crime.

3) Do not spam! This is obvious, and we will deal with spammers like enemies of this establishment. Spammers are not actual people, so they will be blacklisted and banned for life. If you see spam, please report it :) Spam causes unnecessary delays to our productivity and decreases the value of your experience on the Cthulhu Portal. Just don't do it!

4) Do not advertise your products on our website unless you are given consent. Any attempts to advertise your garbage on this website should be removed! You are allowed to advertise whatever you want on "classified ads" and our individual ad network. The reason being, you will probably be paying us a dollar or two. So for about 3 dollars , you can have an ad on our website for 30 days, which is a good deal :)

5) Do not cheat, trade accounts, ask for passwords or do anything that we would deem "devious". Anyone caught trading accounts will run the risk of both being suspended or deleted. 

6) Enjoy Yourself! Ok, so that's not a rule, but who cares, you are here to have fun! Relax, no pressure, life is good! If you have any more concerns , please tell us on the forums, we will be as active as humanly possible!

7) When using classified ads and personal messaging , please stay mindful of good judgment. We are not to be held responsible for any scams or further contact between members that go beyond what we can see. However, if you are ever or if you ever become a subject of abuse by a fellow member, we will investigate the subject and see if it needs to go beyond us. Any abuse aimed towards fellow members , especially threats of violence will not be tolerated and said member will be banned permanently.Anyone abusing any feature on this site will be personally held liable for their actions to the fullest extent of any given law in their vicinity (that means you scammers). Please do not exchange personal information with people you do not know!

8) As of recently, we added many features which enable the upload and distribution of files, media , music and images. We ask you to kindly not upload anything that either is not allowed above (ie porn or gore) , and also no copyrighted materials. We don't want to have to ban you for silly little things, so please please please abide by these simple rules :)

-Additional Rules Will Be Posted Here In The Future-

Kitten Cthulhu

For additional issues regarding any policy, please use the support forum by "clicking here". Please also note that we are under no obligation not to change a rule or add aditional rules in the future that may impact certian user content. We reserve the right to change our policies at will.


We will under no circumstance take your card numbers, personal information or request any holdings. We would also encourage you to understand that we do not disclose any of your information to third parties -- in the rare case that you need to give us personal information (ie signing up for a part of the website). We encourage a professional environment here, therefore if you happen to find anything offensive, please "contact us" immediately! We can try to respond to you as soon as possible. Additional questions, suggestions and other such things should also be asked directly through the "contact form".

Please note these terms will apply exclusively for our website, upon navigation away from our website, we will no longer be held liable for anything that occurs. -Although we do encourage you to "contact us" if a conflict of your personal interest arises through something we promote. We can attempt to sort it out accordingly.

And remember, The Order Of The Iron Phoenix and The Cthulhu Portal are places to enjoy yourself! Don't be afraid to voice your suggestions at any time! We will take everything you state into consideration! As a legal notice, we do use browser cookies so our content loads faster, 90% of websites you visit do this. We ,however,do not use third party cookies, you can rest assured on that.

Cheers, The Order Of The Iron Phoenix Team catchchicken

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix

Legacy About

The Cthulhu Portal is a new breed of social network which emphasizes creativity and personal relations. As the site stands on January 25, 2013, there are many useful and fun features for all members (and some for nonmembers) to use! First, there is a general forum for people to discuss topics with each other. These topics are carefully parted into individual, specific (in most cases) categories as to eliminate ambiguity. All newly registered members are encouraged to use the forum when they start! This is mainly to help orientate noobs into the community – soon they may become pros and help noobs themselves-. “Cthulhu Videos” is exclusively for administrative use at this time. This is not because we don’t want you to use it, but rather because we did not write the player and we are still working on integrating it into our site! Please note: this section has been integrated into Phoenixtube (only admins can upload video files at this time). The “News” section will display an archive of news from new to old in chronological order. We don’t add content here frequently, but it is a nice way for us to organize and distribute content and other “important” messages. This is also where we intend to migrate all of our current blog posts from our older blog. “Answers” is loosely based on “Yahoo Answers ©”. Here, you can ask the world questions and receive answers. The major difference between this and the forum is the ability for the author to choose a best answer and lock the topic (both of these features were added to the forum in early 2014). Likewise, the author may remove posts if they deem it necessary (spam etc). The other major difference is how fast you will get the response. Answers tend to be more engaging than a forum and answers come by faster. “User Media” is a recreation of the popular “Phoenixtube”. Here, users can add any type of media (well images and remote videos for now) and share them with the world. The more views you get, the more Cthulhu Points you will get! (if you know what those are ). Classifieds allows all users to add classified ads like “craigslist © “. Here, you can add a wide range of items you have for sale. These can be as simple as spoons and as complex as houses. It’s also nice to browse through other listings to see if there is something you want to buy! Blogs allows all users to have their own private or public blog. If you don’t know what a blog is, it’s basically just an online journal. Do we allow adult content? At the moment we do not, but we might in the future. Do we allow spam and gore? NO! All spammers and gore lovers will have their accounts destroyed. Thank you.


This is a help page designed to facilitate any issues that may occur while browsing the portal. For section specific issues , please read the appropriate documentation sub-header found in bold ink.


BBCode Table:


The forum incorporates the use of bulletin board code (bbcode). Some functions have short keys on the menu above when posting , however most will not and therefore you can use the chart above to use the best functionalities for your own purpose.