Football player fired and arrested

A West Virginia Mountaineer player has been arrested following an idiotic attempt to rob a house. So, this guy takes three of his buddies, they put on ski masks,wore their football outfits (oh so smart) , and grabbed a resident by the throat, beating him with a gun.

The resident was threatened that "you will be shot if you don't do as you're told". So the player , Korey Harris stole an ipod and a few hundred dollars in cash. Just a few hours later, police arrived at his home , found the money and ipod , and sent Korey Harris to jail on 75,000$ bond.

Korey Harris' other accomplices were also caught, and are facing similar charges and bonds. Due to armed robbery in their football outfits, all three boys were fired from the college football team. It's almost too ironic because of the Aaron Hernandez story.

Korey Harris Robber Korey Harris Robber
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