Happy 2019!

Happy 2019 Happy 2019

We want to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2019. The ball dropped just short of 12 hours ago in Times Square, New York City, New York; welcoming ...

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  54887 Hits

Angolan oil tanker taken , captian beaten

An Angolan crude oil tanker went missing on January 18th,2014. The owner of the tanker immediately notified authorities about the situation. Authorities were swift to react and began a search operation. Regardless, their efforts were futile and the ship was never found. On January 25, 2014 the captain of the vessel made contact with the owner. Using an on-board two way communication radio, he notified the master that the ship was plundered and abandoned (with him on it). Search and rescue found the man , apparently beaten severely over the head with a blunt object. No oil was left on the tanker and a further investigation was launched. Angolan oil tanker hijacked , man nearly killed

  60954 Hits

Fox baby in Russia asks humans for help

Fox Baby Helped Fox Baby Helped

A fox baby found in a Russian forest has asked local authorities to kindly remove a glass jar from it's head. Apparently this little guy wanted a free snack and got his head stuck in the jar.Luckily, the kind Russian authorities decided to help him out and get the jar out. Watch the video, it's pretty cutes. Anyways, let this be a lesson to all of you litter bugs out there -_- Further reports indicated that the fox happily went back into the forest with no further issues.

  62408 Hits

Ragdoll Rumble

In an effort to kill off portions of this website, we are moving this kickass fighting game over here. Ugh, its intense , you kill other ragdolls, sounds really fun, right? -_-   Ragdoll rumble is a physics based action fighting game. Just move with the arrow keys , w,a,s,d, or the mouse and try to kill your opponent. Far away in the mountains of Tanzania lasts a fight between the two warriors. Choose one of them and go for the champion title. There are also two other game modes in which you can fight with chosen enemy.

  63293 Hits

Huge pink slugs found on mountain

Large ping slugs If you thought that slugs were "disgusting" (for whatever reason) , you probably won't enjoy this news. Scientists and biologists in remote areas of the Australian continent have discover fluorescent giant mountain slugs. These things are literally over a foot long and five inches thick(bigger than most men -_-). Scientists believe these are left over organisms from a time before Australia became a desert. These new slugs are actually rather common. Scientists and observers claim these creatures frequent the mountainous region in the hundreds of thousands. Just imagine the horror of climbing up a local mountain , sliding off and falling into a pile of giant pink slugs.

  62071 Hits

Virginia bill to move back to gold

Virginia, originally named after the virgin Queen Elizabeth, and perhaps the first truly "American" colony has proposed a bill to move back to the gold standard. The goal of this bill is to allow Virginia to control their own monetary status. It's a bitter and extreme counter measure to growing dissent towards federally operated mints and banks. The bill was voted upon democratically today, and an overwhelming majority opted to pass it. As a result it will now move towards the US senate, where it will likely be crushed , and omitted from the history books. This is worrisome because the people are beginning to distrust banks as they did before "the great depression". This comes only one month after California and Texas attempted to secede , both of which were denied. Regardless, it is a shame to see the country in a pitiful state of disorder, unable to solve it's...

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  64023 Hits

How to properly sparate egg yolks

Are you sick and tired of having to get your grubby paws into egg yolks every freaking time you have to separate them? Well, luckily, we just stumbled upon this neat Japanese GIF , which shows you how to do it properly: How to separate egg yolks The logic behind this is that squeezing the bottle spits out air, then releasing it forces it to suck up air. Since the yolk is nearly weightless, it is easily sucked into the bottle , then just push again to take it out. No more having to shove your hands in there , and probably also crushing the yolk in the process.

  61746 Hits


Have you ever wondered what on earth is making that annoying buzzing sound in the trees? Or perhaps on an evening stroll you hear reverberating sounds coming from the trees, you think it's a bird , or maybe a plane, but no no, it's a Cicada! Cicada Molting The cicada is not related to locusts or grasshoppers, it is entirely different, although they do eat pretty much the same thing. Cicadas are dedicated vegetarian insects, they will under no circumstance eat insect larvae or anything of the nature. Cicadas are actually one of the most common insects on earth, often appearing in the late spring to early fall, chirping in your ears until you snap. The ones in the good old states usually sound like rattle snakes, progressively getting more annoying as you move further north. The ones in Japan and China are easier to listen to, some Japanese ones are actually...

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  66069 Hits


Wpnfire is an old shooting game that was actually pretty intense in 2001. So , here it is, and its kind of funny, you will notice it will tell you "it is extremely gpu intensive" ahahaha, the good old days :) Note: if you are using an iphone, or something that does not support flash, you won't see anything.   Cheat codes: ownitup=invincible firepower=all weapons runforrestrun=fast rockedinface=infinite ammo savemejebus=you slide everywhere pwnagesince1337:double damage This is a game where you pwn everything you see. Don't do anything but kill and pwn anything in sight. Use cheat codes if you want to :D They are above you ;)

  63363 Hits

Acorn Weevil

The acorn weevil is a strange bug/insect, indigenous to North America.  They mostly feed on sap of acorns, and as a result, they grow larger than most other, more common species of weevil (due to high fat concentrate). Acorn Weevil   After finding an acorn, the weevil burrows a hole, sucks out the fat sap that cradles the delicate baby oak tree, and lays eggs , the babies will then emerge in months, and murder the poor seed inside the acorn. If they are unlucky, they will be massacred by hungry squirrels. For the squirrel, much like a mouse, would eat the larva , which is exceptionally high in protein. If the larvae do survive, they burrow out of the hole their mother (if you want to call it that) made. They can do this because as larva , they are like dough, very gelatinous, and pliable. Unfortunately, then they have...

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  67720 Hits


This is Spoderman SpodermanThere is no definition for this word, we decided to write about it based on audience feedback. Apparently, its some sort of twisted version of spider-man, a fictional superhero that shoots webs and saves people. Enjoy this hideous image of Spoderman.

  67894 Hits

New Law In Massachusetts Requires Headlights On When Wipers Are On

New Law In Massachusetts Requires Headlights On When Wipers Are On

What the actual f%^&? Massachusetts has just introduced a new law that will punish anyone that does not utilize their taillights and headlights whenever their windshield wipers are being used.Of course, there is a practical reason for this. You might have encountered one or two idiots in the middle of a blizzard (one with like half a foot of visibility) driving blind with no lights on. That can obviously lead to the death of an innocent snow-shoveler or a massive car accident with an oncoming vehicle. Likewise in conditions with great amounts of fog and rain, it might be a good idea to have headlights on to extend the line-of-sight.However, although this will increase safety, it is an overall stupid and pointless law. Almost everyone already does this, and the only thing that might happen from such a law would be some poor idiot getting ticketed for not having his headlights...

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  63103 Hits

United States withdraws troops from Europe

Recently, the United States government and the combined board of military leaders (allied) has announced that U.S troops, who have been in Europe for 80 something years now, will be withdrawn back to the United States. There are currently about 80,000 United States troops in Europe. The government has predicted that having this many men in stable countries would simply be "too costly" to uphold. In addition to costs, most of the troops stationed in Europe end up being moved to the Middle East or Asia anyways, so keeping them there at the moment seems to be completely useless (other than as a midpoint). As of July 1st, an estimated 7,000 troops will be withdrawn. The US will then reposition these troops in parts of Asia, South America and Africa where they "are needed". The other 70k will eventually also be moved. Although no known deadline for this move exists, we...

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  69409 Hits

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix 100th Day Anniversary

The Order Of The Iron Phoenix 100th Day Anniversary

Today we celebrate the 100th day since our creation! To celebrate our first anniversary, you can use the coupon code "phoenix100" on our advertising section found at "greatermakings" to get 10,000 free pixels! The code will expire at the end of today so use it while it's hot! And pop a bottle of campaign while you’re at it :D

  68831 Hits

Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II

Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II

June 2, 2012 will mark 60th year of the crowned sovereign of the English empire (pseudo). We commend the queen on a brazen 60 years of awesomeness! May god be with her for another 60! :D We implore you all to take the day to celebrate her highness! And we wish all of our audience a happy Diamond Jubilee! :D

  68721 Hits

Custom web toolbar for The Order Of The Iron Phoenix

We launched our new toolbar today. It will have shortcuts to major website and a shortcut to searching our website's "Phoenix-Search". Please download it, and enjoy :D Our toolbar currently only supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. We will try to get it to work on Opera as soon as possible. And yes, its free.

  60138 Hits

Will The End Of The World Simply Be The End Of Mexico?

Will The End Of The World Simply Be The End Of Mexico?

So, as you may all know, near the end of the year two thousand and twelve of our lord, the world will be destroyed and recreated again (as theorized). We are not talking about Nostradamus (because his account places it years after 2012), we are talking about the Mayan prophesy. Yes, the thousand-year old doomsday calendar that somehow ends near the end of this year!   Let’s just say that the Maya people predicted everything correctly, as we can confirm that they have marked out constellations and geographical shifts/events to the preciseness of one day. Scientists are baffled at the accuracy of this calendar, and it really stuns us the more we personally read about it. So, let’s say that because it simply ends near the end of 2012, the world will be destroyed (and the guy writing the calendar didn't just get lazy and sleep on the job). But this...

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  69455 Hits

Turkish Plane Shot Over Syrian Air Space Causes Growing Tension

Early this morning, a Turkish phantom jet was shot down over Turkish air space by a missile coming from Syria. This incident simply seems to create more tension between Syria and the rest of the world. Syria claims that all proper security precautions were taken (a signal given) prior to anti-aircraft artillery striking the plane down. Worryingly enough, Turkey condemns the act of violence as an act of belligerence towards the two "politically different" Middle Eastern countries. There will be a NATO meeting in Brussels within the next week to discuss the matter, in the meantime Turkey has withdrawn all of its diplomats from Syria claiming “their lives could be jeopardized". A Phantom Jet

  69141 Hits

We have been away for a while

We are very sorry , life has really gotten the best of us. We barely have time to write anymore :( But anyways, we are always looking and plotting to add fresh content! Stick around, we will make a comeback soon! :) me gusta yum yum

  61112 Hits

How to get tree sap off your car

Tree sap can be very annoying , in some situations your driveway might be directly below some pine trees , causing that "sperm effect" where the tree sap is all over your car like bird s$it every morning. Luckily, there is a "do it yourself" way of removing the sap rather easily!We do also know that the sap turns white , and is usually is full of needles --making it (the sap chunks)painful to try to tear off-. Worst of all, sometimes the sap on the windshield can cause you to lose focus , and maybe not see something you should see in front of you (wouldn't that suck major d1#k?).Ok, so, just like our tutorial on "how to remove tree sap from your hands" , this is pretty freaking easy. So easy it actually hurts! Just go down to the local shop , buy some green (works better than clear)...

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  62463 Hits