Bug fixes as of 04/18/2013

Bug fixes as of 04/18/2013

Here we are again , more bugs have been addressed and more functionality has been added. As of today, Videos should function much better, comments should work relatively well (if they wont post, jut press ctrl+enter in the box). -Leaderboards for some games have been modified to gift you points, which you will soon be able to use in our store.  -Questions has been updated, now you should experience less errors, less loading time, a smoother experience, and less bugs. The style has slightly changed, but the functionality has increased :) -Groups have been added to your profiles, these are still experimental, but you will be able to get together with people and share images, thoughts etc -these do need a ton of work-. We still have thousands of bugs to fix, there are things that need constant fixing due to updates in the ways we run other portions. For example,...

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