61 lay dead in ivory coast stampede following fireworks

It is a sad day today in the ivory coast, as soldiers gather bodes of youths, men and women. Apparently, a large crowd gathered to the town of Abidjan's Plateau. The crowd was excited, watching fireworks, and waiting for the last seconds of the year to end. The crowd was making barbecues, much of which was fish, and lobster. Lots of drinking also took place, mostly coconut rum and chocolate candies were consumed. Children ran around, playing, screaming, eating. And at midnight, the people went mad with happiness, hugging and singing became quite common. People shared this special moment with loved ones and fellow islanders. Following this marvelous celebration, something went awry. Everyone began to run home, like a stampede of gazelle , for no apparent reason, perhaps there was a lion on the prowl. What followed was horrific. Dust, and debris were left lingering in the air for half an...

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