Wiki Cleansed

Wiki Cleansed

Phoenixwiki has been cleansed after about 18 hours of nonstop work, it has finally become usable! Furthermore, facebook style chat and chatroom will temporarily be disabled to make the website run much faster. We will enable it and develop it like crazy if we can make enough money to support our own server (1000$+/year).

Now, we can only ask you to keep us alive by inviting people to join us, and liking us on facebook+twitter. The reason for this is because the faster we get ourselves out there, the more money we can potentially make, and the better we can make this website.

Delays on the Cthulhu Movie are setting us back months, and this is because working on a full motion animated and 3d capable movie where you are making the characters, soundtrack, scenes (frame by frame) and even doing the voices in a one man team is much more difficult than you can imagine. For example, most animated movies have a 1000+ man team and a billion dollar budget. What we have is a one man team, and 2000$ max budget.

The worst part of it all is, we wont make any money off this movie because we are releasing it for free. So in high hopes of actually getting ourselves out there financially, for all the effort I put into this website and my movie, I would kindly ask you to help us grow. Invite your friends. Also, the "phoenixwiki" works as so: log into this portal , click "news" , and on the widget that says "store" , click "wiki" , as long as you are logged into here, you are also logged into there.

Things we will work on -_- : Logout feature does not work on Phoenixwiki, this is a script that we modified so it's a bit difficult to get it right. What else now, well, I cant think of anything more to say.

So stay tuned, invite your friends, use our website, and help us grow! Regards, Ferdinand :)

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