Grumpy Cat Passes Away

Our dear friend and sensation Tarder Sauce AKA "Grumpy Cat" has passed away this morning at the age of 7. This came as a  worsening urinary ...

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  49669 Hits

Why died

Just less than a year ago, was a thriving website, the place for anyone that wanted a domain name to get it free! Yes, it was a subdomian of a guy that owned the entire network, but it was almost like a regular domain , almost like :)Well anyways , the entire thing went from a "generous project" to getting banned from google within one year. The reason behind that was , the casual spammer. People would take like 10 names and use them to spam and generate back-links to their own websites.Because google is the largest provider of searches , the devs of decided to call it quits, and in late 2012, the website was demobilized. Kind of reminds us of and Adbrite/Blacklabelads ...It's ironic, the order of the iron phoenix started out as a website you know :) , we naturally transferred over...

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  62518 Hits

New Jersey Man Helps Dad Plant Tomatoes From Prison

FBI Tomatoes FBI Tomatoes

An elderly Italian man lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, since the ground was h...

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  63016 Hits

Prisoner gets more time in jail for sticking his manliness in a salad

Anthony GentileThis coming right from various accountable sources in Florida: a man that was thrown into prison recently on "sex with a minor" charges is facing an additional three years in prison. And the reason behind this additional sentence? Well that is just the most bizarre of stories.The prisoner, 41 year old Anthony Gentile (ironic), had just taken up kitchen duties , possibly because the prison crew believed he was fit to make parole. Well, the first day on the job, Gentile just couldn't hold himself together. He took the salad he was making and slabbed his genitals inside, covering them with salad.He did this for well over six minutes , mixing them with sauces and oils. After Gentile was done scrubbing his meatstick with the fresh veggies, he spat into the salad. Gentile then took off his underwears and was readying to defecate into the salad. Luckily, he heard knocking...

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  61686 Hits

Man wearing "jail sucks" shirt arrested

A Florida man was arrested early today on his way to a welfare party. Ironically, the man was wearing a "Jail Sucks" t-shirt, which made this case hit global headlines. Jail Sucks Shirt ArrestedAnother man was wearing a "f*** the police" shirt, he was taken to the backroom and beaten unconcious with a salami, if you know what I mean.The police caught both of these men in an undercover act , looking for people that were committing welfare fraud (getting welfare when they don't qualify). This was such a heroic "sting" operation , honestly. 40 other people will be joining these idiots in prison.

  62672 Hits

Three best free apps for iphone 2013

Apps can have a variety of functions , effectively removing the need for having hundreds of individual devices. I know for a fact that my iphone go rid of my radio, mp3 player, alarm clock, timer, watch and so much more. So today, I will share with you three of my personal favorite free apps, these are functional and fun. Make sure to click the images to check out the apps yourself!Coming in at number one: a free voice guided GPS! That's right, why waste 100$ on a GPS when you can get one absolutely free? Thats right, people! A voice operated, precise GPS. Once you get the hang of it, it really is pretty freaking awesome. My only problem with this app is that unless you change preferences to avoid toll bridges and pikes, it will take you there every bloody time! What it does is: calculate traffic on each...

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  65289 Hits

Dear Millionaires

Millions dollars Millions dollars

This is an odd rant, but heavens knows, there are tons of people with millions of dollars in the world. We want to simply ask those that do, how would you like to venture the ultimate project, by donating massive amounts of money to us, not only will you let our dreams flourish (we always did want a Maybach), but you can also ave your soul when the end of the world comes in a month.Heck, the only reason why we have the audacity to ask on the internet is because we fear we have barely a month left to enjoy ourselves. And if the apocalypse does come, and you have all that money, how will you be judged?Why not share your wealth with us? If you do, this website can perhaps become greater than a combination of facebook and twitter , and we can have a Maybach hehe.We also wouldn't mind...

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  65812 Hits

A Bunch Of Fat Cats

Please Let Me Eat You

So, I see that there is a trend going around where people are just reposting all of these fat cats, so we will do it too. Now people , please don't le...

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  65529 Hits

A Bunch Of Fat Cats


So, I see that there is a trend going around where people are just reposting all of these fat cats, so we will do it too.[gallery ids="2121,2122,2123,2124,2125,2126,2127,2128,2129,2130" orderby="rand">Now people , please don't let your cats get this big. It's unhealthy and kind of sad, imagine the cat's feeling towards being immobile :/

  64521 Hits

Can You Eat Camel Manure?

Eating Camel Dung Eating Camel Dung

In a little-known fact that appeared on my desk today as a "trending topic", I was shocked to discover an inquiry regarding the edibility of camel man...

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  67418 Hits

The PC will not die

Ok, I recently went through a "fair" amount of articles written by noobs that like to look at numbers. These n00bs all predict that the end of the pc is inevitable and on-approach.I want to assure the world to ignore what these ignorant n00bs say, Microsoft will not fail and the PC is still going to be the most common thing bought and used to access the internet. I have statistics right here : "browser usage on this website 2012-2013" that show me ios has less than 5% userability for two consecutive years. Windows will not dieAnd the reason? Because the PC is still the best place to have your own little cloud! I mean you have your photos, your music, your email, your work papers, internet , pron, what more could you ask for? Ipads and Galaxy tablets may be appealing to people with nothing better to spend their "hard-earned...

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  62493 Hits

The smartwatch brilliant or disaster?

samsung galaxygearWe never really saw the era of tablets as being possible. We still don't understand why anyone wants a tablet other than for the portability -- and of course they keep improving the specs every year.Anyways, the next big thing is just around the corner. And yes, we are even more skeptical of this idea than we were when beta testing windows 8. We are now talking about the concept "smart watch".This is basically a watch designed to include the capabilities of a smartphone. The idea was drafted by companies like samsung (creator of the samsung galaxy gear).Basically, this is a watch designed to read the weather, make phone calls, text (mainly operated via voice) , check emails, browse the web , play music, take photos, and promises to integrate with third party items like smart tvs (for larger blue tooth based display).But , is it really a good idea?...

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  60458 Hits

Can Behavior Be Predicted Using Formulas?

Behavior Is Math Behavior Is Math

I came upon a few interesting studies recently. I wouldn't mind withholding the "interesting" since all this post will likely only attract certain typ...

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  67926 Hits

Eating Snake Meat

Eating Snake Eating Snake

Eating snake meat has once been considered utter taboo worldwide. Although some countries have partaken in the eating of snakes for thousands of years...

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  69774 Hits

Top 5 Things You Must Have This Fall

Fall fall

​ It's that time of year again folks. Time for pumpkin in everything, leaves, (and of course) more pumpkin! So what are the top 5 things you definitel...

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  67370 Hits

The Creation Of Cyborgs

Cyborg Wouldn't it be awesome if you could augment your strength? How about flying using just your brain? The ideas of creating humanoid machines has been plaguing science fiction for almost a century now, but it is actually moving to reality. Inspirations from science fiction items such as implanted jet packs, mechanical arms and internally implanted underwater breathing devices have been developed by nations from as far back as ancient Greece. But think about this for just a small second. When you get in a car, you can almost feel it right? You don't necessarily physically feel the car, but you can determine that speed without looking at the speedometer, you can tell when you have hit a pothole or even a tiny crevice without actually seeing it, and you can sense how fast you need to go when changing lanes on the highway. Hell, you probably can feel the length...

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  60657 Hits

Removing Many Portions Of This Website

Because it is fair to assume that having duplicates on this site , which require anything but a single "login" , we are going to demobilize phoenixanswers , because we have created "Cthulhu Answers" on the Cthulhu portal. We are going to demobilize the "iron phoenix forum" , because we already have a forum right here "Cthulhu Forum" , we are probably going to demobilize "any age products" , and bring all posts into here. Iron eagle will also be demobilized, the reason is obvious : it's a rather pointless addition to this website, adds no value , and we really just don't need it :) We already demobilized "BurnOn" Social media, and "PhoenixGames" , soon this website will be one huge entity, rather than the mess we have created through testings. After this "merger and purge", this website will be more unified, under the banner of "Cthulhu Portal" and this...

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  63253 Hits

Legends Of The Fall Review

Recently, we found a good old copy of "Legends Of  The Fall" rotting away at some old book store. Naturally we decided to buy it, based on personal experience of watching it in the past. The movie basically starts out pretty merry , Captain Ludlow portrayed by Anthony Hopkins, a retired general from the Indian wars of old, runs his farm with his three sons. Already at the beginning, there is a creepy air about how the captain and his wife appear to love each other, yet they are so distant. This is a subliminal message that grows throughout this beautiful move. So basically, the Captain's youngest son Samuel, brings home a beautiful mistress (not so beautiful in our opinion) , that which he intends to marry. Basically , they seem rather happy, much like his father did with Samuel's wife (whom only returns to the farm once a year). Just...

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  69742 Hits

Scaphism -the ultimate torture-

Post has been moved here: Scaphism because it violated a hidden rule about gore, sorry about that :/

  68745 Hits

Cleansing BurnOn Social Media

After careful consideration , we have decided that BurnOn could use a second chance. We would be ashamed to see its capabilities wasted. So lets just share a few of them while we delete thousands of spam blog posts and accounts.   1) You can create your own personalized profile, with your own pictures, background, wall, and much much more. 2) You can use BurnOn's dating capabilities to find someone special. We know this is a longshot with all the dating sites now available, but anything could happen! 3) You can utilize our video sharing portion to share videos with your friends, and the entire community!, Try it, you might learn to love it! 4) Share photos with anyone, yes no need for something like deviantart or flickr, you can now share pictures you create with your friends and the community! 5) GOUPS! You can create and manage groups, much like...

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  67954 Hits