Tekashi 69 Arrested, Faces Life In Prison

Tekashi 69 Tekashi 69

Having recently been involved in an inconclusive scandal involving sex with a minor, rapper Tekashi 69 was already on hot water. He did manage to make...

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  66349 Hits

Royally free cheezy pron music

Here, I created this piece of "pron style" music a few months ago. After a few complaints from people that hated my use of third party download centers, I have decided to post and host the file myself on this website. The rules are as follows: Don't market/ distribute this piece as your own   You have no right to sell the piece yourself, but feel free to use it in commercial projects   Please try to tribute me some credit, just give "Ferdinand Ivanov" a small credit outline in your project way at the end in 1 px font :( -- this is not necessary but it would make me happy. And soon, I will add more royally free music (which sounds nicer) -- if I have any spare time to screw around :P :( :D Download this piece here: "Cheezy Music" - the file is roughly 4mb

  62075 Hits

Electric Violin V.S. A Traditional Violin

Electric Violin V.S. A Traditional Violin

There are millions of people in the world that have probably played the violin at some point in their lives. The violin is indeed perhaps one of the most beautiful instruments in the world. It has not changed much in the past 300 years. But recently a modified version of the instrument has been released (by recently we do mean 10 years). A new era in violin playing has arisen with the advent of the electric violin. So today, we have decided to share our insight with you about two different models that we simply adore. The first model is a traditional violin in the sense that it is a wooden bodied, wooden bridged violin. We have tuned this one ourselves hundreds of times and it still works like a charm, the pegs are a bit worn, but the quality of the instrument is still unique. The second is a more...

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  59821 Hits

Enio Morricone: We At The Order Of The Iron Phoenix Adore Your Work!

We love Enio Morricone! As music appreciators, we know that this piece is hard to come by in most countries. Morricone wrote Chi Mai in 1971. We respect him for his great accomplishment and tried to re-create this wonderful piece! We got the sheet music from an antique store in Massachusetts, Usa. Here is our final result! Enjoy! :D

  59646 Hits