Barbara Bush Dies

Barbara Bush Dies

The end of an era. Barbara Bush passed away after a complicated series of battles with Graves disease, congestive heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The former first lady was found dead early this morning following a string of prolonged hospital stays. Correspondents from Houston, Texas have confirmed that the death was not suspicious, and no foul play is being investigated as the potential cause of the death.

Barbara Bush will always be remembered as an icon of America in the late 80's to early 90's. She once served as the "second lady" when her husband, President George H.W. Bush, served as vice president under Gerald Ford. She would later go on to become "first lady" when her husband transitioned to the "commander in chief" position within the American government in 1989.

During and following her terms, Barbara Bush strived to empower women, create social programs, and generously contribute to philanthropic endeavors. Additionally, she acted as a crutch for the sitting president in his many times of need. Bush was quoted saying that without her, he wouldn't have had the effective presidency he will always be remembered for.

In these dark times, we may look to the light. Barbara might be gone, but her legacy will live on.

A memorial service will be held by the Bush family later this week. It is rumored that this will not be a public event, but rather, a private "invite only" event with an exclusive select few people that will attend. 

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