Blacklabel ads 404 not found

Ok, so on February 01. 2013, the famous ad host network "adbrite" had decided to shut down. We were never made aware of this, and our main source of income, which we never collected was from blacklabelads and adbrite. blacklabeladsWe never even received notification, because we were a publisher, not an advertiser. All emails we have sent to adbrite, and blacklabel have come back as "server could not be reached" errors.We cant even tell you, as our dear readers, how detrimental this course of action is to our existence. Just imagine, this is our only way of paying for everything, and now it's gone. So you can safely say, we will look for alternatives, but we are losing much time and money working on our beloved project that yields no income.We made you a promise, we will not allow this to set us back, we will come out of this turmoil...

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