From Dictatorship To Democracy: A Handbook To Crush Democracy

From Dictatorship To Democracy: A Handbook To Crush Democracy

We recently read Gene Sharp's book "From Dictatorship To Democracy" -- after reading about the massive revolutions occurring throughout North Africa and the Middle East. With the whole mumbo jumbo going on in Syria right now, we had to really re-read this book. Again, the thing that peaked our interest was an article written by a Stanford international relations major on how "peaceful protesting" was the wave of the future.We will sum up the entire book by telling you that peaceful protests cannot be crushed by military might without repercussions from the international community. After all, isn't this the reason why Yugoslavia fell? And the reason why the United Nations invaded Serbia? Is it not because of peaceful protest that Gaddafi was ousted? And the list simply goes on (although gene sharp really wrote this book with Vietnam in mind).So let’s look at this from the opposite side: what if a...

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