Massachusetts small business owners could be saving thousands a year.

Just as a general warning to the public, as of October 2011, congress did indeed enact a clause to the law (amendment) which stated that banks would be limited to the percent which a merchant could be charged per credit/debit/cheque swipe. As such, anyone in the Massachusetts area could quite possibly be spending thousands a month with their current processor.You might be asking "WHY?". Well, the clause deemed "the Durbin Amendment" does address the banks, but it completely skips out on processors. Therefore, processors (always a third party working with your current bank) are charging you from 50%-75% more than what they should be charging.Now, what can you do? Well for one, you can google "The Durbin Amendment" and look at the percents the bank is LEGALLY allowed to charge. Now this should be no greater than 1.4% base(before additional fees). Following standard fees, a decent amount per credit card should...

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