Leopard Seal Kills Diver

Leopard Seal Kills Diver

In an unprecedented act unforeseen prior to yesterday, the “first-ever” death by Leopard Seal has occurred.According to the licensing company of the diver, now identified as 28 year old Kirsty Brown of England, there were no antecedents to this unfortunate and tragic event.A statement released by the head of Marine Biology in London (B.A.S.) stated that human infringement in new territories can cause these types of bizarre rivalries with local wildlife.Eyewitnesses to the tragedy reported that Brown was on a routine mission when a large leopard seal bit her and dragged her to the bottom of the ocean. Only hour later were biologists able to recover the body of the suffocated and mauled victim.B.A.S. reports that such tragedies are likely to occur again in the future with increased frequency as man-kind begins to encroach on the Antarctic continent.

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