The struggle against Varicose veins

The world seems so perfect when your young. Nothing to worry about, nothing to fear, keep to a diet and exercise right? Well, unfortunately, after you turn 20, the very real fear of veins surfacing due to 20 years of abnormal muscle activity will start to haunt you. Also contributing to this is usually the constriction of vessels and veins as you sit down. Over the years, the normally functioning veins get quite literally... crushed. These crushed vessels twist, turn and become generally, skewed. The result is hideous veins in the rear leg (usually behind the patella) , front leg, lower calf and sometimes the buttocks area. varicose veins courtesy of pubmed™These are not hard to hide during the winter, but when the spring and summer come, you wont have that same joy and pride to simply" walk in shorts", skirts or dresses. So in essence, this hinders your ability to...

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