Speaker McCarthy Announces the End of Student Loan Payment Pause Under Debt Ceiling Deal

Student Loan Debt Returns Student Loan Debt Returns

In a recent announcement, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy declared that the student loan payment pause, which provided relief to millions of borro...

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  820 Hits

Congress Takes Aim at Prescription Drug Costs: Penalizing PBMs in the Crosshairs

Penalizing PBMs in the Crosshairs Penalizing PBMs in the Crosshairs

In a bid to address the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs, Congress is setting its sights on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs), a key player in t...

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  649 Hits

House Votes to Reverse Pandemic Forbearance and Debt Relief for Student Loans

House Votes to Reverse Pandemic Forbearance House Votes to Reverse Pandemic Forbearance

In a move that has sparked both debate and concern, the House of Representatives has voted to claw back pandemic forbearance and debt relief measures ...

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  706 Hits

The New Economic Medium Is Knowledge

Knowledge And Barter Knowledge And Barter

 Humans once bartered goods for goods, then the world began using currency, so what is the future medium of economics? To fully understand the di...

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Was it the American dollar that changed gas prices

Was it the American dollar that changed gas prices

It's an interesting take on things, but, the value of the American dollar has gone down drastically over the past 10 years. In fact, the American dollar has dropped by more than 75% of it's original value on the world market in the past 30 years. You might or might not remember that once upon a time gas was .96$/gallon. But as the price of the American dollar dropped, all we noticed is that the price of everything else went up. If you think about it for a second, when the value of currency decreases, foreign produced goods will increase in value ,hence gas prices and commodities that are imported (pretty much everything now a days) will be worth more. The explanation behind this is that we are printing more money to pay off our foreign debts. When you see that gas prices decrease drastically (like the 40 cent drop per...

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