How to train your cat to walk on a leash

Have you ever dreamed of walking your cat on a leash? Do you think it's impossible to get your cat to do anything? Well, in reality it's actually quite simple, just follow our simple instructions and your cat will be the envy of the town for years ahead :) Cat on leashFirst , a cat is a free-spirited, and practically untamable animal, it will never simply allow you to force it to put on a leash. Not to mention, a cat will always find a way to escape a standard neck only collar. For this purpose, use either a specialized "cat harness" , or a harness leash made for tiny dogs, unless you have a savannah cat.Second , get the cat very comfortable with the harness. Begin by placing the harness on the cat without a leash. If your cat does responds negatively by sitting down, looking depressed, pet it under the chin...

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