In a horrifying turn of events, the identity of the madman responsible for the recent slayings in Newton, Massachusetts has been revealed. The alleged...
On June 26, 2023, the tranquil neighborhood of Newton, Massachusetts was shattered by a shocking and tragic incident that claimed the lives of three i...
A disgruntled Bridgewater visitor notified police at around 9:45 pm of an unlikely visitor. What initially appeared, in the eyes of the visitor,...
Early Tuesday, at 4:30 am, a car in the vicinity of Morrissey Boulevard skid off a bridge and hit the abutment. The two young men thought to have been under the influence of alcohol are confirmed to have been killed on impact. The young woman was confirmed dead shortly after being transported to the Boston medical center. No names have been released yet by authorities. The accident took place in a segment of the bridge with a fall more than 30 feet high. The burning wrecks of the vehicle were recovered by emergency personnel. For some reason, the vehicle never caught fire. This is a photo courtesy of the Boston Globe