A simple solution to gun control

Gun ControlGun Control: How about this ladies and gentlemen, how about before one purchases a firearm, they have to pay for a background check (59$ US -gangbangers will have less weapons and ammo-)? Let's also have something like a "renewal fee" this would be a 59$ fee at the end of the year for a 30 minute talk with a psychiatrist, just to assess if the person is dangerous. Furthermore people with birth defects of the mind such as depression, autism and bipolar disorder should never be issued firearms in the first place ( a background check should reveal the presence of these diagnosis and automatically disqualify the applicant from being allowed to purchase a gun? Households with known "diagnosed" will be rejected the right to have a firearm issued unless there is evidence that the person stated as "undesirably/diagnosed" is eitherA) Sent to  treatment center for the duration of their...

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