Red Snapper

Red Snapper , or Mexican Snapper (Latin: Lutjanus campechanus) - species of fish from the family lutsianovyh, living in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of the United States as far north as Massachusetts. To the north of the North Carolina it is increasingly rare. Description Red Snapper usually up to 60 cm, however, there are instances of up to 1 m in length and weighing up to 22.8 kg. The back is relatively high. The eyes are small, the head is about 6.5 times the diameter of the eye. The pectoral fins are long, but do not reach the anus. Above the lateral line scales is oblique to the dorsal fin rising rows below - in rows parallel to the sideline. Color body of crimson to brick red, instances in length from 30 to 35 cm have a large dark spot below the rear of the dorsal fin...

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