Dragonball Xenoverse DLC Pack 2 Released

Dragonball Xenoverse DLC Pack 2 Released

The second DLC pack for the very popular videogame “Dragonball Xenoverse” has finally been released early this morning. The DLC pack adds 4 new characters Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron, Towa and Mira , new parallel quests, new story lines and even pan as a teacher (although who the f^&* wants that over omega shenron?)
What’s even better is the addition of plenty of extra moves, costumes and Z-souls. Additionally, the level cap is now 85 so even if you have finished the game and tossed it aside, you can still level up 5 more levels (or 15 skill points) with this new addition.
The DLC 3 pack will probably also be released within the next two months. According to our personal espionage reports, these will feature a golden Frieza and additional parallel quests.
We honestly wish there would just be a pack that would only release all of the characters found in Budokai Tenkiachi 3. Now that would be something.

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