Honey Badger

What Is A Honey-Badger? The honey badger is a member of the Mellivora family, in the sub-family “Mustelid”. The honey badger is related to the American Badger, the European Badger, the Asian Badger, the Japanese Badger, the Chinese Ferret Badger, the Burmese Ferret Badger, the Javan Ferret Badger, and the Bornean Ferret Badger. It is also closely related to members of the Martin family, and less so to weasels and Polecats. A common misconception is that, due to their behavior, they are related to wolverines. This is only partially true, they are only distantly related to wolverines. Honey badgers are a type of badger, which are known for their abilities to burrow and their long claws. What Does A Honey Badger Look Like? Honey badgers are distinct from other badgers due to their sleek, two color design. From a distance, one can mistake the white stripe and black markings for a...

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  69490 Hits


Have you ever wondered what on earth is making that annoying buzzing sound in the trees? Or perhaps on an evening stroll you hear reverberating sounds coming from the trees, you think it's a bird , or maybe a plane, but no no, it's a Cicada! Cicada Molting The cicada is not related to locusts or grasshoppers, it is entirely different, although they do eat pretty much the same thing. Cicadas are dedicated vegetarian insects, they will under no circumstance eat insect larvae or anything of the nature. Cicadas are actually one of the most common insects on earth, often appearing in the late spring to early fall, chirping in your ears until you snap. The ones in the good old states usually sound like rattle snakes, progressively getting more annoying as you move further north. The ones in Japan and China are easier to listen to, some Japanese ones are actually...

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  66101 Hits

Morton Grove, IL Cat Walks Like Human

A new wave of social media trends has been tirelessly coming from little known Morton Grove, Illinois. A town that few might ever have said "I know th...

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  58945 Hits

Help! My Cat Just Died! What Can I Do?

Help! My Cat Just Died! What Can I Do?

Well, you probably just experienced the most painful thing imaginable: your dear old kitty died. But you can’t blame anything because your cat has faced dangers such as cars, coyotes, humans, diseases, viruses, trees, bears maybe even a falling tree or two. But now your cat is dead there is no way to bring it back. So what can you do? Is getting a new cat going to solve the problem? Can your best friend really be replaced? Well, luckily these a days you can simply re-motorize your cat into a cyborg! Yes, all you have to do is taxidermy (that’s actually the verb form) it and replace its guts and innards with wires and motors! Yes, you can create a genuine cyborg from your cat, heck you should probably keep the brain and freeze it for future use (when we can revive it). After all, science is progressing and eventually...

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  59958 Hits

Florida residents trap boa constrictor in barbecue

Florida residents trap boa constrictor in barbecue

Florida residents were noted to have trapped a loose boa constrictor in a barbeque today. Apparently, the 12-foot long snake was very casually slithering around town when vigil-antis decided they had enough.Apparently, the snake decided to cross the road (better a 12-foot python than a chicken right?) and the civilians pounced on it with a barbecue. After wrestling with the snake for a few minutes, they finally managed to shove it so deep down the barbecue that it could no longer slither away and strangle the wildlife.Police stated that the residents used pillowcase to secure the snake inside of the barbecue. When interrogated by the local authorities about whether the residents planned to make the python into hotdogs, the unanimous answer was “no”.Eyewitness reports claim that one man stated “I never did wonder what python tastes like”. Nobody but a few small rodents were hurt in this incident.

  60379 Hits

Fisherman attacked and bitten by shark off the coast of California

Fisherman attacked and bitten by shark off the coast of California

A California fisherman got a nasty surprise early this morning. According to an official release by local authorities, the fisherman hooked more than just a tuna.Authorities stated that the man fought with the fish for over 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, the man gave up and decided to go unhook his bait before his line broke. The man apparently swam out to release his line and was then attacked by his own catch- a 16 foot great white shark.With such a nasty surprise, the man was too shocked to react fast enough and the great white shark ferociously tore at his leg. 20 minutes after the initial incident, the shark suddenly let go and swam off. Beach security personnel managed to get the man to shore in a timely manner and medical personnel arrived on time to save the man’s leg.The beach area where the attack occurred was cut off to...

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  58833 Hits

Man takes revenge on hammock stealing bear

Man takes revenge on hammock stealing bear

A Florida man recently found that a black bear had been using his hammock while he was away. Worse yet, the bear was seen sleeping in the hammock every Thursday for multiple hours at a time. The Florida man had enough, however. On Friday ,may 30th, the man finally took the hammock down. The man reported that he had seen overturned squirrel and bird feeders and rummaged trashcans for some time in the past year. He has reported that the frequency of these pillages has decreased after he removed the hammock. Perhaps this was an action against letting the bears get too comfortable in this man’s backyard.

  59895 Hits