Windows 8 : failure before release?

Windows 8, the newest operating system created by the monopolizer of the computer world, promises to bring innovation, ease of use and much more to their newest operating system.As with everything before, windows 8 will come equipped with new (mostly useless) features, and the typical flashy , attractive designs most of us have long adored.But the major issue with Windows 8 is quite rather that it is a recycled concept from the windows mobile os, where the only innovation is being able to scroll through a sort of "iphone copy" type interface through a touchscreen.Now, if you have a touchscreen , good for you, but to 99% of us, 1400$ for a touch monitor is a bit out of reach.  This is the first strike against windows.The second strike is the removal of the beloved desktop, start button and the masking of the command prompt. Yes, windows 8 is visually appealing,...

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