Horrific pirate attack off Togo

A truly shocking pirate attack occurred early today off th coast of Togo. A typical chemical tanker was spotted by a boat-full of pirates. The tanker could not outmaneuver the speedboat, and well over 20 pirates , armed to the teeth, entered the boat.
The first man to be taken was the commanding officer. He was forced to take all of his men and order them to the deck bridge of the ship. All crew members were gagged and forced to kneel. One pirate took the butt of his ak-47 and began savagely beating the crew one by one. As a finishing touch, the lone pirate smashed a glass vase over one crew member's head, causing severe injury.
The robbers then asked the captain what was in the tanker, when he tried to trick them by telling them it was water in the ballasts, the pirates beat him and forced him to show them current weight measurements. The captain was forced at gunpoint to turn the carrier south.
The crew sailed, and another pirate vessel anchored onto the carrier, bringing another twenty or so pirates.At that point, the pirates began negotiating with coast guard units in the aria using a satellite phone.
The negotiations went well, but multiple other ships were boarded using this host carrier. After the boarding and plunderings, all but two men were left on the carrier. A few hours later, the two remaining men were released.
In total , over 4 million dollars worth of equipment and freight was stolen. Togo and French authorities have launched a huge investigation into the matter as of today.
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