Perfection at last
Hello everyone! We are very proud to announce that at last we feel we have made the portal the way we dreamt it to look! We wanted to do this right before Christmas, and we feel we have done it correctly. We invite any new member with open arms, as we still don’t have very many users available at the moment.
We would also like to take a moment of our time to thank anyone that has registered, and submitted "bug reports" to us throughout the "beta" session of this website. As promised, we will roll out a movie, although we sort of are lacking time and money, for we are too few to accomplish so much in so little time.
We also want you to note that regardless of how much money and time we spent to make the portal perfect, we would still love to hear any further suggestions on the “suggestions” section on the forum!
Also note, this is not just a website about Cthulhu, talk about anything you want to here. We basically took “The Order Of The Iron Phoenix” and combined everything as dreamed with a universal login into the portal.
As such, we have demobilized “BurnOn” social media network, and will soon probably take down our forum, and wiki, since the forum here is already on par, and the wiki is full of spammers.
We will appreciate all the content you will add to our website! Through creating coalitions with our users, we can build a true online community!
Warmest regards, and happy holidays to all! TheOrder Of The Iron Phoenix & The Cthulhu Portal Teams.
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