In our time, we have seen many crazy things. Some of these crazy things are created to scare people (especially when it comes to error messages). Most often, these are viruses that force people to buy a product or give away some sort of information. Here are the top 5 that made history. This message first came out in 2004 and would cause you to buy history clearing software to fix it. But honestly, who doesn’t love the penguin? This error message came out in 2008 as a joke. It was actually deemed a harmless worm, but it came at a sensitive time. It would have been worse if it said “you’ve got mail”. This error was actually a clever ruse by a flash game company to get traffic to their website. Clicking "ok" got you to the website, but it certainly seemed more intimidating. This was one of those blatant...
Following the initial outbreak of Ebola, the first case of Ebola has been diagnosed in a patient flying from Liberia to Texas.The patient allegedly experienced some of the known symptoms of the ebola virus and contacted health officials for treatment. Although the victim did not suspect the diagnosis to be ebola, doctors have confirmed that it is, unfortunately, the first case of ebola in the United States from the past four decades.The victim has been noted to be in isolation in a hospital in Texas. Earlier this week, hospital authorities noted that the victim is in “critical condition”. However, there are some positive turns in the patient’s condition and death is not 100% certain. Hospital workers have taken severe precautions to prevent the spread of the deadly virus, however, it has been noted that the patient (who came in undiagnosed) might have infected hundreds of people [unknowingly].A similar incident was observed...