Starting your own website for free

We will go over a nice option for you if you are new to the whole "website making" arena. In fact, we will guide you through the process in three different steps. Servers Step 1)  Get yourself a domain!  Getting yourself a domain is pretty easy, try any website , usually most domains will cost 14$(US) per year to uphold, although there are free alternatives, the free alternatives are usually overrun by spammers, resulting in exclusion from search engine results (especially google). Our personal favorite is hosting24 , but again there are many free alternatives, just don't expect them to get much traffic from google.Step 2) Setting up your hosting !This can be the tricky part, ask yourself "Do I want to start out small?" Your answer will usually be "yes". Even YouTube started out as a small website hosted on a remote server. Our personal suggestion would be 000webhost.com , they...

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