Giant Marine Isopod

What happens when you mix all of your nightmares together? Darkness , depth , spiders, lobster, claws , teeth and eating decomposing bodies? You get a giant marine isopod, perhaps the cutest (eghem) animal in the universe.This Marine Giant Isopod is enormous, about the size of a housecat to be exact. It dines solely on decaying flesh, although with those nasty looking claws, perhaps being  a more active predator is not above it's morales. Giant Marine IsopodThe giant marine isopod is closely related to shrimps , lobsters and prawns. Believe it or not, its pillbug appearance is exactly like such because the common pillbug is a land isopod (the same thing but miniature).The giant marine isopod is only slightly related to the crab, which also means that they are slightly related to some extent to spiders , which are closely related to horseshoe crabs and regular crabs (do you follow?). Giant...

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