Giant Marine Isopod
What happens when you mix all of your nightmares together? Darkness , depth , spiders, lobster, claws , teeth and eating decomposing bodies? You get a giant marine isopod, perhaps the cutest (eghem) animal in the universe.
This Marine Giant Isopod is enormous, about the size of a housecat to be exact. It dines solely on decaying flesh, although with those nasty looking claws, perhaps being a more active predator is not above it's morales.
Giant Marine Isopod
The giant marine isopod is closely related to shrimps , lobsters and prawns. Believe it or not, its pillbug appearance is exactly like such because the common pillbug is a land isopod (the same thing but miniature).
The giant marine isopod is only slightly related to the crab, which also means that they are slightly related to some extent to spiders , which are closely related to horseshoe crabs and regular crabs (do you follow?).
Giant Isopod Reflective eyes
Giant marine isopods are kind of creepy looking, they carry massive reflective eyes, which if you look into, you just want to cry.
These eyes are used to see things in depths so far deep on the ocean floor, that none of us could physically access without some form of pressure resistant machinery. And naturally, little sunlight reaches these murky depths , but like their pillbug cousins, marine isopods rather enjoy the darkness, where they can devour the flesh of the unfortunate deceased to satisfy their hunger.
The claws on the front of these massive beasts are used to crush and tear massive chunks of rotting flesh from their poor and unexacting victims.
The isopod's claws actually have enough force in then to sever a human finger in one quick and devastating swipe.
So , what else? Well, that massive mouthpiece is no less powerful than that of a dog. That's right, that mouthpiece can also break and tear flesh, skin bones and tendons, nothing on the human body (if you do manage to fall underwater) is impervious to the massive force of the giant marine isopod.
The shell of the isopod is thick, sturdy and impenetrable by other isopods, which kind of tells us it is freaking thick.
The ispod is not like most crustaceons, it lacks gills. Instead what you see on the tip of the legs are oxygen filters. This is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this gorgeous creature, simply because it has a filter that no other animal on earth possesses , making the giant marine isopod unique , in a sense. Although there are rumors that it's close cousin , the woodlouse, also has this type of structure to survive under swamprocks.
There is a deadly secret in these things, they have the ability to suck in water, and eject it from under their tiny tail, in essence , kind of like a rocket(aquajet). So they can also actively hunt anything that inhabits the sea floor. Nothing is really off limits to these monster, especially since they usually hunt in packs of 20 or more , when food is scarce. Luckily, cannibalism usually keeps them "solo hunters" because after they kill something, they will quickly eat their smaller allies.
This thing is truly hell , nothing on earth quite compares, and if it ever feels you with those nasty looking head antennas, it's just tasting your flesh , dreaming of smiting you dead, and eating your spleen.
Here are a few of these baby creatures munching on a family size bag of doritos
This Marine Giant Isopod is enormous, about the size of a housecat to be exact. It dines solely on decaying flesh, although with those nasty looking claws, perhaps being a more active predator is not above it's morales.

The giant marine isopod is closely related to shrimps , lobsters and prawns. Believe it or not, its pillbug appearance is exactly like such because the common pillbug is a land isopod (the same thing but miniature).
The giant marine isopod is only slightly related to the crab, which also means that they are slightly related to some extent to spiders , which are closely related to horseshoe crabs and regular crabs (do you follow?).

Giant marine isopods are kind of creepy looking, they carry massive reflective eyes, which if you look into, you just want to cry.
These eyes are used to see things in depths so far deep on the ocean floor, that none of us could physically access without some form of pressure resistant machinery. And naturally, little sunlight reaches these murky depths , but like their pillbug cousins, marine isopods rather enjoy the darkness, where they can devour the flesh of the unfortunate deceased to satisfy their hunger.
The claws on the front of these massive beasts are used to crush and tear massive chunks of rotting flesh from their poor and unexacting victims.
The isopod's claws actually have enough force in then to sever a human finger in one quick and devastating swipe.
So , what else? Well, that massive mouthpiece is no less powerful than that of a dog. That's right, that mouthpiece can also break and tear flesh, skin bones and tendons, nothing on the human body (if you do manage to fall underwater) is impervious to the massive force of the giant marine isopod.
The shell of the isopod is thick, sturdy and impenetrable by other isopods, which kind of tells us it is freaking thick.
The ispod is not like most crustaceons, it lacks gills. Instead what you see on the tip of the legs are oxygen filters. This is perhaps the most fascinating aspect of this gorgeous creature, simply because it has a filter that no other animal on earth possesses , making the giant marine isopod unique , in a sense. Although there are rumors that it's close cousin , the woodlouse, also has this type of structure to survive under swamprocks.
There is a deadly secret in these things, they have the ability to suck in water, and eject it from under their tiny tail, in essence , kind of like a rocket(aquajet). So they can also actively hunt anything that inhabits the sea floor. Nothing is really off limits to these monster, especially since they usually hunt in packs of 20 or more , when food is scarce. Luckily, cannibalism usually keeps them "solo hunters" because after they kill something, they will quickly eat their smaller allies.
This thing is truly hell , nothing on earth quite compares, and if it ever feels you with those nasty looking head antennas, it's just tasting your flesh , dreaming of smiting you dead, and eating your spleen.

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