Man killed with ipod

ipod killerA North Hampton, Ohio man was killed today in a bizarre killing. According to eye witness reports, a man was jogging around with an eyepod in his ears, probably attached to his utility belt. All of a sudden a "would be thief" grabbed the ipod from the man's rear utility belt.After over ten seconds of struggling , the thief finally grabbed the ipod and began running. The thief tripped on his own shoelace, which was untied, and the ipod owner tackled the thief to the ground.Following a bitter struggle , the ipod owner took his utility belt, put the ipod in on one end of the leather pouch , and began using it as a handle. He then grabbed the thief by the neck and began strangling him.As a crowd grew around the two men , the ipod owner got off and merged with the crowd. Paramedics would soon arrive....

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