If this day was our last day on earth

We just made the following status on our facebook page ,hopefully you are one of our 27 followers :) :"We shall be with you dear followers, and although the world will not end, take some time to ask yourself "if today is my last, am I proud of everything I have done", "Do I live a life of regrets?". And at the dawn of December 22nd, change everything you do not like about yourself. Be who you want to be, overcome anything you might later regret, for this day may be your last :)"And since we only have 27 followers, we want anyone else that actually finds this post to hear our word of advice, and to simply come to terms with their existence. Life is very fragile you see, and if you think about it, astronomical comets and gravitational shifts are beyond our control.We may feel at the moment that...

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