Miracle Cat Resurrected From The Ground

Miracle Cat Resurrected From The Ground

“And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after his kind: and it was so.” Genesis 1:23-1:25In a practically biblical chain of events, a Florida cat has been resurrected from the dead five days following its burial.The cat, now 24 months old, had been struck by a vehicle earlier last week. Unfortunately, the owner of the cat found his feline companion drenched in a pool of blood in the middle of the street. The owner was so distraught at the death of his favorite cat that he could not bear to bury it (due to emotional circumstances). As such, the owner kindly asked his neighbor, whom is a construction worker, to bury the cat in his stead.The owner stood a fair distance from the burial as...

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Man found alive in a body bag

Man found alive in a body bag

Mississippi funeral home coroners were shocked when they found a man kicking inside a body bag. According to credible reports, the pulse of a 78 year old farmer had been non-existent for well over 6 hours and a family member reported the man dead. The man was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced “dead”. The dead man was transported to a local funeral home for preparation. However, the man was apparently not dead. The 78 year old man somehow came back to life in the body bag.Family members of the man claim this event was truly a “miracle”. And that “god gave him a second chance”.This event is truly something spectacular.

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