The banana contradicts popular belief

Banana Banana

Ok so do you remember when you were just a child and you had your first banana? It probably tasted pretty damn good right? Then you got to college and bananas remind you of something else? Something like this: So, you probably are thinking "gee this thing is perfect for reproducing". I mean honestly, how can something like that not be full of seeds right? Well you would be DEAD WRONG. So, the sad reality is that the banana is poor at reproducing. With nearly 75% of all bananas being consumed before they reach the ground, the chances for success already are about 25%. Let’s also bear in mind that the banana is high in natural sugar, which decompose very quickly. Usually any leftover banana seeds decompose with the fruit or are eaten by scavengers. And have you wondered what a banana seed looks like? Well, it's one of those pesky...

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  59366 Hits

Can Behavior Be Predicted Using Formulas?

Behavior Is Math Behavior Is Math

I came upon a few interesting studies recently. I wouldn't mind withholding the "interesting" since all this post will likely only attract certain typ...

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  67831 Hits

Maternal Death Toll On The Rise In United States

While many things have been improving in the United States interior over time, it comes as a shock to learn that maternal deaths are on the rise. The ...

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  67476 Hits

Controlling People’s Minds

Getting people to do your bidding might sound like something straight out of a science fiction movie. However, research has yielded that concepts such as hypnosis (which will be the target of our discussion today) are actually pretty freaking real. Imagine having the power to manipulate people’s minds; the power to have others do your bidding the true power of persuasion. An interesting example of the abuse of such a power was observed in Italy in 2010. Watch the video below to see how someone can abuse the power of hypnotism. What you have observed in this video is an individual that understands the core principles of hypnotism. However, this individual has chosen to abuse his power rather than exploit it for more practical purposes. For example someone with such power may be able to be a more powerful leader, interrogate others without using force and even making people perform undesirable...

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  59266 Hits

Paranormal Radio Host Kidnapped By Aliens

Paranormal Radio Host Kidnapped By Aliens

68 year old paranormal radio host Art Bell has mysteriously disappeared after only a few weeks of hosting his show on paranormal activities, conspiracy theories and aliens. The 68 year old radio host apparently had a following of over one million people who are now pretty certain that his disappearance was, in part, due to unexplained circumstances. Quite possible, we can conclude that aliens might have had a hand in the kidnapping of someone that had “too much knowledge”. Although it is unlikely that he will not reappear in time, Bell has not been heard from for well over a week now. Is this the first undeniable case of alien abduction? Is Bell being silenced by something else? And why can’t the press get into contact with Bell? We will add additional information to his developing case as it progresses.

  59359 Hits

The Disadvantages Of Using Nuclear Technology

The Disadvantages Of Using Nuclear Technology

On a fateful day near the end of the greatest war the world has ever seen, something new arose. This new system could create virtually unlimited amounts of energy from virtually nothing. This was the dawn of the nuclear era.Nobody in the early 1900's could have possibly imagined that people would be breaking apart sub-molecular particles and using them to destroy cities on a widespread campaign of death and destruction. But, by some miraculous chance (as fate would have it), the impossible and unimaginable became reality.In today's hyped up and modern world, you may believe that nuclear energy doesn't concern you, you may even believe that nuclear energy is not around you, but rather that it is hidden somewhere far away in the deserts of Arizona. You would, unfortunately, be DEAD wrong. 20% of this entire country's power is generated at one of our 103 running nuclear reactors. These stretch from...

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  68892 Hits

New African Lava Lake

New African Lava Lake

A boiling lake of fire has appeared near Nyamuragira Mountain in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The lake has been forming for an extended period of time (according to scientific records). However, early yesterday, the ground finally gave way and a stream of bottomless lava rose to the surface.Amid the cloud of nauseous and deadly gas, some images were taken of the lake. These images yielded a surprisingly beautiful jet of molten lava.Scientists are concerned that even though this lake might be temporary, eventually a lake of fire will permanently preside in the region. Scientists believe that (since this is not the first or final lake of fire) that these lakes will continue to spawn over extended periods of time. Some theorize that this can even be a precursor to the explosion of Mount Nyamuragira.The area around the mountain is relatively unpopulated, however there are regions within the blast radius that...

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  59352 Hits



Aerogel is a very fine material created by Samuel Stephens Kistler in the early 1930's. Aerogel is a synthetic material that is about 99% air. It has a really weird feeling, so we decided to share our experiences with you.1. It feels spongy when you squish it, yet, a brick of this stuff weighs less than a feather.2. You can make a mattress out of this stuff and you can lift it up using your pinky finger (we tried).3. If you try to burn it, it won’t melt. Rather, it will hover and stay cold over the smoldering hot fire. Aerogel Below Supporting A Brick Above So this stuff will distort light. It literally has the same properties as smoke. Did we mention you can put a 2 ton stone on this stuff and a 2kg brick wont collapse? It can hold 4000x its own weight! If you don’t believe us...

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  60666 Hits



Something that can never be truly understood is always a source of extreme fascination. And although mankind has reached an apex in the world of technology, we still do not have a complex understanding of the world around us.On our beloved planet earth, we can see such an inexplicable phenomenon. High above the clouds, there is lightning which does not shoot down, but rather, it shoots towards the heavens.Often a subject of controversial speculation, this type of “inverted weather” is called a “sprite” by scientists and the slang term “space angel” by others. These names are given due to the abnormal distribution of the Sprites which can often resemble wings and a torso or octopus tentacles.In more modern times, it is very easy to dismiss these bizarre occurrences as what scientist can only claim to be the reason behind these occurrences. This, of course, is attributed to a negative charge in...

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  59790 Hits

Sky Punch

Sky Punch

What would the end of the world look like? Perhaps this question can be answered by looking at a weather phenomenon known as a “sky punch” (the actual name is Fallstreak Hole).A fallstreak hole/ sky punch is basically a weather phenomenon in which specific types of cumulus clouds (cirrocumulus and altocumulus) form a hole in the center, and subsequently ice particles may fall rapidly downwards or evaporate.If the Burgeron Process (see citation) takes effect, the sky punch will likely simply be a hole in a very cloudy sky. These can be observed frequently during the winter. These are characterized by being the only rays of sunlight on a very cloudy day. However, if the Burgeron Process does not take place, something truly magnificent occurs! Ice particles begin to form above the hole in a beautiful mass. The crystalized ice then begins to move clockwise in what appears to be an ice...

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  60610 Hits

Cancer Killing Injection Enters Clinical Trials

Cancer Vaccine For years, a miracle solution to the complete eradication of cancer cells has been the result of wishful thinking. Today, we are pleased to announce that a prototype vaccine against cancer has entered clinical trials. This so called “Miracle Vaccine” is the result of years of research on the behavior and chemical make-up of cancer cells. The vaccine is a result of the works of prominent English scientist Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou. Taylor , after years of research, noted that the protein Mucin-1 was located throughout the cell walls of most cells within the human body. Years after (1980-2003), Romanian scientists revealed a striking correlation between excess in Mucin-1 and cancer cells. This correlation basically meant that perhaps the gene for Mucin-1 protein was responsible in the creation of the cancer cell. Even if that was not the case, the Mucin-1 could reliably pinpoint cancer cells (mainly breast, lung and pancreas)....

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  59420 Hits