Actress sends ricin to Obama and Bloomberg
An actress has allegedly sent poisonous letter to New York mayor Micheal Bloomburgers and president Barrack Obama. After sending the letters, the actress dialed the nearest number for the CIA , and informed them of the plot --claiming it was orchestrated by her husband.
Soon, the woman was beaten to the ground by men in SWAT uniforms --apparently her scheme failed. The 26 year old actress could not be found a lawyer willing to work for her, and sequentially has been canned into a near-by prison until further notice.
This only comes two months after the souther senator being sent ricin -- see that here: senator sent ricin letter. The actress will be held until further notice, and any new updates on the case will be noted here, on this post.
actress sends president and mayor ricin
Soon, the woman was beaten to the ground by men in SWAT uniforms --apparently her scheme failed. The 26 year old actress could not be found a lawyer willing to work for her, and sequentially has been canned into a near-by prison until further notice.
This only comes two months after the souther senator being sent ricin -- see that here: senator sent ricin letter. The actress will be held until further notice, and any new updates on the case will be noted here, on this post.

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