Man wearing "jail sucks" shirt arrested
A Florida man was arrested early today on his way to a welfare party. Ironically, the man was wearing a "Jail Sucks" t-shirt, which made this case hit global headlines.
Jail Sucks Shirt Arrested
Another man was wearing a "f*** the police" shirt, he was taken to the backroom and beaten unconcious with a salami, if you know what I mean.
The police caught both of these men in an undercover act , looking for people that were committing welfare fraud (getting welfare when they don't qualify). This was such a heroic "sting" operation , honestly. 40 other people will be joining these idiots in prison.

Another man was wearing a "f*** the police" shirt, he was taken to the backroom and beaten unconcious with a salami, if you know what I mean.
The police caught both of these men in an undercover act , looking for people that were committing welfare fraud (getting welfare when they don't qualify). This was such a heroic "sting" operation , honestly. 40 other people will be joining these idiots in prison.
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