Weird but true, the song of suicide
In 1933, following the collapse of the great imperial and royal Austria-Hungarian empire, the world was a changed place, especially Hungary. Hungary had become a paradox of a country, as it was not allowed to have a regent, it was still called "the kingdom of Hungary" , a kingdom without a king, the people lamented at the loss of their once great country.
In face of being stripped to only the Hungarian borders, most of Hungary was ceded to the new Czech republic, Poland and Romania. Unity with the twin fatherland, Austria was prohibited. For this very reason, Hungary which was the economical center of Austria Hungary (Austria being the technological and military portion of the great empire) , had completely collapsed. It had suffered an even worse fate under the great depression than the twin fatherland.
As fate would have it, the battered remnants of a once great country had reached the limits of human suffering. The suicide rate in Hungary became the highest in the entire world at the time. As such it cannot be confirmed that the post we are describing is completely accurate, but it certainly might have played a role.
In 1935, there would be a revolutionary new song, one that would increase suicide rates in Hungary by an astounding 14%, this might seem minor, but 14% increase in suicide rates in a country where suicide rates made up 22% of all recorded dates of the time is indeed significant. So then almost 33% of deaths became suicides.
The song was a piece christened "Gloomy Sunday" written by a noob composer named Rezső Seress, this would be his very first piece , and the only one that would ever hit the global theater. Composed in 1933, it's staged recording and launch was done in 1935.
Rezső Seress
The song was entitled "Sad Sunday" , but after the English translation in 1936 by Hal Kamp launched , it became known as "gloomy Sunday". The song from that day on gave English speakers a taste of something truly bizarre, the myth had come to them as well. Men of england, the states and Canada began putting pistols under their chins.
It had been put to a test at live performances, and the mass production via gramophones and newly emerging public radio broadcasts did not help quell the now rising suicide rates.
In an effort to keep the song from causing "bad morale" amongst the royal troops of the English crown during world war II, the song was completely banned in england by BBC, and all other broadcasting stations. It would also be banned in the states in 1941, as Hungary sided with their close ally, Germany.
Following world war II, the world lay in ruins again, the song was almost completely lost. And Rezső Seress was now living in a communist occupied country. He wanted to leave , for he too felt the wrath of what destroyed the great Russian Empire and it's subsections.
It is rumored that in an attempt to escape the communist Hungary, Rezső Seress booked himself a performance at the border with the no also shattered dual, but neutral fatherland , Austria.
His ingenious plan: to play "gloomy Sunday" for the border guards, causing them to kill themselves, and he would escape to the freer portion of the now dead empire. His plan failed, although a woman in the room grabbed a handgun and shot herself, the others were too shocked at what had just happened to do anything themselves.
Rezső Seress committed suicide that night. And from the day of his demise, there would grow the myth that his song had indeed triggered something in the human brain to wish death upon themselves.
In 1995, all lifts on the song were banned, and somehow it resurged into the public. We have no word on how it has affected those around us up to now, but we will show you a remake down in 1995 below.
Here it is
In face of being stripped to only the Hungarian borders, most of Hungary was ceded to the new Czech republic, Poland and Romania. Unity with the twin fatherland, Austria was prohibited. For this very reason, Hungary which was the economical center of Austria Hungary (Austria being the technological and military portion of the great empire) , had completely collapsed. It had suffered an even worse fate under the great depression than the twin fatherland.
As fate would have it, the battered remnants of a once great country had reached the limits of human suffering. The suicide rate in Hungary became the highest in the entire world at the time. As such it cannot be confirmed that the post we are describing is completely accurate, but it certainly might have played a role.
In 1935, there would be a revolutionary new song, one that would increase suicide rates in Hungary by an astounding 14%, this might seem minor, but 14% increase in suicide rates in a country where suicide rates made up 22% of all recorded dates of the time is indeed significant. So then almost 33% of deaths became suicides.
The song was a piece christened "Gloomy Sunday" written by a noob composer named Rezső Seress, this would be his very first piece , and the only one that would ever hit the global theater. Composed in 1933, it's staged recording and launch was done in 1935.

The song was entitled "Sad Sunday" , but after the English translation in 1936 by Hal Kamp launched , it became known as "gloomy Sunday". The song from that day on gave English speakers a taste of something truly bizarre, the myth had come to them as well. Men of england, the states and Canada began putting pistols under their chins.
It had been put to a test at live performances, and the mass production via gramophones and newly emerging public radio broadcasts did not help quell the now rising suicide rates.
In an effort to keep the song from causing "bad morale" amongst the royal troops of the English crown during world war II, the song was completely banned in england by BBC, and all other broadcasting stations. It would also be banned in the states in 1941, as Hungary sided with their close ally, Germany.
Following world war II, the world lay in ruins again, the song was almost completely lost. And Rezső Seress was now living in a communist occupied country. He wanted to leave , for he too felt the wrath of what destroyed the great Russian Empire and it's subsections.
It is rumored that in an attempt to escape the communist Hungary, Rezső Seress booked himself a performance at the border with the no also shattered dual, but neutral fatherland , Austria.
His ingenious plan: to play "gloomy Sunday" for the border guards, causing them to kill themselves, and he would escape to the freer portion of the now dead empire. His plan failed, although a woman in the room grabbed a handgun and shot herself, the others were too shocked at what had just happened to do anything themselves.
Rezső Seress committed suicide that night. And from the day of his demise, there would grow the myth that his song had indeed triggered something in the human brain to wish death upon themselves.
In 1995, all lifts on the song were banned, and somehow it resurged into the public. We have no word on how it has affected those around us up to now, but we will show you a remake down in 1995 below.
Here it is
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