George Zimmerman found not guilty

zimmerman not guiltyYesterday was a very tense moment, the families of dead boy Treyvon Martin , and the alleged shooter , George Zimmerman met in court to hear the verdict of a 6 person jury.The verdict came after over a year of trial and other court procedures. As anticipated, Zimmerman was found not guilty by reason/virtue of self defense. You see, when you are having your head slammed against pavement by anyone, regardless of race, color or religion , your instinct will always be to fight -- for if you don't you will die.Because it is very proper to defend yourself by all means necessary , sometimes people that go mad end up dead. As the old saying goes "its either me or the other guy". In a life and death struggle , there is no racial based fury, there is no hatred, only the will to survive.In response to the...

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