Fisherman attacked and bitten by shark off the coast of California

Fisherman attacked and bitten by shark off the coast of California

A California fisherman got a nasty surprise early this morning. According to an official release by local authorities, the fisherman hooked more than just a tuna.Authorities stated that the man fought with the fish for over 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, the man gave up and decided to go unhook his bait before his line broke. The man apparently swam out to release his line and was then attacked by his own catch- a 16 foot great white shark.With such a nasty surprise, the man was too shocked to react fast enough and the great white shark ferociously tore at his leg. 20 minutes after the initial incident, the shark suddenly let go and swam off. Beach security personnel managed to get the man to shore in a timely manner and medical personnel arrived on time to save the man’s leg.The beach area where the attack occurred was cut off to...

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