Indonesians Pirates raid bulk carrier , steal all spare engine parts

Only four miles off the coast of  Cigading Anchorage, Indonesia, several armed men bearing American-made m-16 (identified by security image) rifles boarded a moving bulk carrier, ran to the decks below-- finally running back to their own speedboats and getting away.After security camera footage was looked over , local authorities confirmed these were  Indonesian Pirates , and that all spare parts for the main boat engine were stolen. Although the crew raised an alarm , the authorities arrived far too late to pursuit the attackers.Investigators believe the pirates made for land, deflated the boats, and began walking into the near-by populated suburbs. No injuries or conflict were reported. Stolen spare engine parts

  61764 Hits

Successful Rescue Operation: Tanker Recovered After Pirate Attack

Tanker Recovered After Pirate Attack Off Coast Of Abidjan Tanker Recovered After Pirate Attack Off Coast Of Abidjan

In a harrowing incident on the high seas, a tanker came under attack by a group of twelve armed pirates who managed to board and hijack the vessel. Th...

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  860 Hits

Large bulk carrier stationed in Taboneo, Indonesia robbed by pirates

An exceptionally large wool bulk carrier was robbed today. Pirates, bearing only large knives, lunged onto the "in-port" ship using grapple hooks and ropes. The pirates placed multiple hooks under piles of processed wool and began to carry them out. After the wool was taken out of the ship , one Mercedes-Benz Axor truck and one Suzuki (model unknown by camera footage) light truck were used to quickly load the wool. The pirates then sped off into the general populous. One man on-board the ship noticed the pirates, but out of fear for his life, did not act against them. Authorities were alerted and the situation is under investigation. No further information in relation to the case is being released by Indonesian police and military personnel. Wool stolen in Mercedes Axor by pirates

  62201 Hits

Somalian Pirates Are The Least Of Your Worries

Somalian Pirates Are The Least Of Your Worries

It is unfortunate ,but, 99% of all pirate attacks go unreported. On a daily basis, 6 attacks will occur somewhere in the world. You of course will never know about it because it does not affect you personally (unless you're an unfortunate sailor). From today on understand this: Somalia is not the only country that throws pirate raids at unprotected commerce! Nonononononononono! NO! Somalia is responsible for maybe one raid a month. The statistics show that internationally ever four hours, a pirate attack occurs (we say 6 a day to be lenient). And no, these attacks don't involve large war vessels with rear mounted cannons. No, that is simply a glorified Hollywood image. Much rather, the pirate of today is usually reminiscent of an al-Qaeda member. They dress in rags because they simply can't afford decent clothing(uniforms etc). And quite unlike the pirates of before, they do not go out and...

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  59472 Hits

29-04-2012 Mandeb Straits, Red Sea

29-04-2012 Mandeb Straits, Red Sea

A group of armed men in a compact boat armed with ak47s and RPGs began chasing a Ukrainian oil tanker. The men are reported to have been wearing Islamic headgear. Clearly they intended to attack the ship, but upon seeing men armed with rifles, they fled.

  68208 Hits