Indonesians Pirates raid bulk carrier , steal all spare engine parts

Only four miles off the coast of  Cigading Anchorage, Indonesia, several armed men bearing American-made m-16 (identified by security image) rifles boarded a moving bulk carrier, ran to the decks below-- finally running back to their own speedboats and getting away.After security camera footage was looked over , local authorities confirmed these were  Indonesian Pirates , and that all spare parts for the main boat engine were stolen. Although the crew raised an alarm , the authorities arrived far too late to pursuit the attackers.Investigators believe the pirates made for land, deflated the boats, and began walking into the near-by populated suburbs. No injuries or conflict were reported. Stolen spare engine parts

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Thieves steal pounds of coal off a merchant ship near Belewan

About fifty men, without noticeable arms , wearing veils on their heads, broke into a Chinese merchant coal ship. The men plundered well over two tons of coal, and escaped noticed.Authorities and the crew noticed that something was missing shortly after boarding the ship at 12:00 Mariana time. Authorities have been notified, and action will be taken to seek the perpetrators for questioning. Area Of Attack

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Thieving pirates steal bread

On October 27th , on a port in Indonesia, the strangest pirate attack to date took place. Four armed men boarded a vessel, which was in dry dock on repairs. The vessel was then moved to a seaport, after repairs were finished. The pirates hid on board until then, and began stealing the merchandise on board, in this case it was bread. Well, they were spotted, quite quickly by security guards, whom raised audible alarms. Upon hearing the alarms, the pirates jumped overboard with the bread and sped off in speedboats. Strange Pirate Attack

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