Indonesians Pirates raid bulk carrier , steal all spare engine parts
Only four miles off the coast of Cigading Anchorage, Indonesia, several armed men bearing American-made m-16 (identified by security image) rifles boarded a moving bulk carrier, ran to the decks below-- finally running back to their own speedboats and getting away.
After security camera footage was looked over , local authorities confirmed these were Indonesian Pirates , and that all spare parts for the main boat engine were stolen. Although the crew raised an alarm , the authorities arrived far too late to pursuit the attackers.
Investigators believe the pirates made for land, deflated the boats, and began walking into the near-by populated suburbs. No injuries or conflict were reported.
Stolen spare engine parts
After security camera footage was looked over , local authorities confirmed these were Indonesian Pirates , and that all spare parts for the main boat engine were stolen. Although the crew raised an alarm , the authorities arrived far too late to pursuit the attackers.
Investigators believe the pirates made for land, deflated the boats, and began walking into the near-by populated suburbs. No injuries or conflict were reported.

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