Why it is important to release illegal immigrants

After reading a post on fox news in reference to a recent decision to send massive amounts of illegal aliens back to their countries of origin, and seeing the crooked viewpoint of whatever imbecile wrote this article, we just want to make you fully aware that what they have stated is a load of lies.First of all, are you aware that DEA and Immigration officials that create these asylums to process immigrants for months are paid with your tax dollars (165$/day/person+fees)? ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTSSo basically, the longer they hold these poor commoners, that simply want to pick fruit or work in construction to provide for their families, the more money these officials make.And for what? To keep people held prisoner for no reason whatsoever? Because it totally takes 6-12 months to process a guy and send him back to Mexico, right?Well, as we have seen in Fox News' report, many are being...

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