Chapter 9 Assignment

Chapter 9 Assignment

  (1) When Club Med goes through the hiring process, they are apparently looking at potential employees who are motivated and genuinely interested in the positions they offer. For example, the “employee testimonies” have yielded a significant emphasis on employee loyalty both to the field they work in and to Club Med as a whole. They often look for people that show this motivation to join the field and potentially go up the ladder (long-term employees). They state that their ideals are “Multicultural, pioneer, kindness, freedom, responsibility” which implies that the majority of those that go past the interview process are ethical and driven to lead and manage (regardless of their field). Likewise, there is heavy emphasis on taking responsibility for all of one’s actions.                 When hiring internationally, there is a huge diversity of problems that arise. Often, hiring people from separate countries already creates a boundary based on culture...

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Assignment 4

Assignment 4

  (1) Very recently I had made a decision to ditch my now aged “RGB” television and get a nice 60” flatscreen. There were key attributes from the social environmental factors which played an enormous role in my final decision. Family and Culture:  Although the core sociological structure of my personal family did not directly influence my decision, input from family members was extremely important in making the purchase decision. When looking for a specific brand, family input was critical in the final decision. What I mean by this is that the initial decision to modernize and acceptance of change for hedonic purposes was spewed by my own psychological evaluation of the situation (ie modern is better, more reliable and uses less energy hence it would be fair to put the past behind me). However, it is very important to note that after I made up my mind to go ahead...

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