Are Associates Degrees Worth Anything?

Are Associates Degrees Worth Anything?

You might have recently finished an associates program because it was “the cheapest option”. Now you have been seeking jobs for some time and it finally hits you: your degree is completely worthless!Speaking as someone that decided to do just that , my six months of searching for jobs have yielded only high school level positions with nothing paying more than 30,000 / year (in f$%^ing business for god’s sake). And here we were thinking that maybe that filthy college degree that you finished while working full-time would be worth more than a high school diploma. Well you were wrong! – as was I.The associates is actually completely overlooked by hiring managers that post jobs looking for someone with “a college degree”. The general idea is that associate level courses are easy and anything important is entirely overlooked.As an example, I recently applied for [censored]. I went to an interview totally...

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Selling Beauty Product To Men

Selling Beauty Product To Men

When considering the use of “beauty products” on males, many actions and products are still relatively taboo. For example, it is relatively not considered culturally acceptable for men to wear make-up (however it was acceptable in the 1700s). In these changing times, men are finding more of an opportunity to engage in the use of beauty products (outside of the increasingly expanding homosexual community). When opportunity looms, intelligent entrepreneurs are always there to feast upon these helpless victims. After all, we can often determine trends based on consumers’ buying habits; can we not? Using two separate factors; we can stereotype the type of man that is probably most apt to consume these beauty products. Through these stereotypes, we can create an image of a helpless bait on a reel for these power mongering sharks (product retailers) to feast upon. The first factor we can put into perspective is the demography of...

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Assignment 4

Assignment 4

  (1) Very recently I had made a decision to ditch my now aged “RGB” television and get a nice 60” flatscreen. There were key attributes from the social environmental factors which played an enormous role in my final decision. Family and Culture:  Although the core sociological structure of my personal family did not directly influence my decision, input from family members was extremely important in making the purchase decision. When looking for a specific brand, family input was critical in the final decision. What I mean by this is that the initial decision to modernize and acceptance of change for hedonic purposes was spewed by my own psychological evaluation of the situation (ie modern is better, more reliable and uses less energy hence it would be fair to put the past behind me). However, it is very important to note that after I made up my mind to go ahead...

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Retailing Assignment 2

Retailing Assignment 2

  1: Type Of Food Stores And The Marketing Mix A convenience store has a very direct retail mix. As oppose to supermarkets, supercenters and warehouse stores do not need a large conventional location (hence the name “convenient”). Often, the best location for a convenient store can be a corner off a highway with relatively easy access to anyone that needs a “last second item”. Prices can often be much higher than supermarkets, supercenters and warehouse stores due to the fact that convenient store ideology is centered on convenience (how far would someone have to go to get milk parse) rather than competitive price. Merchandise assortment is similar to some supermarkets, supercenters and warehouse stores , however the assortment is sold from limited vendors and is often comprised of essentials such as bread and milk(along with less necessary but tempting products such as junk food and alcohol).Advertising as opposed to supermarkets,...

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