Hans Christian Petersen

Hans Christian Peterson was a ruler of Noway-Sweden. He was in fact the prime minister, acting as head of government while Charles XIII ran the empire as "regnant".Hans began life early in the field of law. He would later become a profound barrister.By age 39, he had become the Attorney General of Swedish-Norwegian union. He would then leave this position due to "low pay" and decided to join the government as prime minister instead.He became counselor of state in 1836, and the chief of naval operations for the empire. In 1844 , he added minister of justice, head of interior armed land forces and lead justice to his 1858 , he was uncontested prime minister of this union.  Rumor has it that under his leadership, Norway was made more equal in terms of economy and equality in labor to Sweden, under the orders of King Oscar I. Flag of Sweden-Norway 

  65189 Hits

Codex Sierra

The codex sierra is perhaps the first and final look into the adventures of a lost generation of French explorers into the North American wastelands prior to British colonization of the continent.The Codex is an important piece of literature because it contains loose translations for many of the now dead "indo-american" tongues. Although the Codex was not officially put together until 1933, it has been written for 300 years.It is also a written account of the years before encountering French men in the 1600s in central America, a detailed analysis shows encounters with first Europeans as early as 1670's.The book then loops a few decades, somewhere in the SouthWest. This leads archaeologists to believe that the writers, and bookkeepers were forced by Spanish explorers to move further north into the continental United States. Perhaps they then merged with the Cree near 1740 and on?The weird thing about something like this is,...

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Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster

Perhaps the final draft for a German super-heavy , all purpose tank, was the p-1500 Monster. Starting at 1500 tonnes, this thing would have been even larger than the p-1000 Ratte. RatteIn fact , it was planned to be almost 30% larger than the p. 1000 Ratte. As such, the radical resigned of the Monster called for four sets of tracks, about 1/2 the size of the Ratte. These would be put into all four corners of the massive tank, and the thing would move around, slowly , but steadily. Accordingly, this would have created a gyroscopic effect, allowing the massive Schwerer Gustav 800mm Siege Cannon, initially too large to fire even from a rail, to fire without toppling the Monster. P1500 Monster ConceptThe armour would have maxed out at 260mm all around, but the Monster was really created for indirect bombardment, not direct conflict. Much like the Ratte  , the...

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  84348 Hits

German world war II land battleship Landkreuzer P-1000 Ratte

Designed as early as the year 1942, the p-1000 was intended to be a land battleship. The monster was intended to be an astounding 35 meters long, 14 meters wide, and 11 meters tall. These are the exact specifications in cooperation between Porsche, Henschel & Son, and MAN SE company. Ratte TankThis gigantic thing would have wielded dual 28 cm SK C/34 naval gun (283mm) , which would have been rather more than enough to level a large chunk of any town with one shot, let alone two.Then , there would be a 128mm Pak 44 anti tank gun, in case anything got too close, or in case of an overcast heavy bomber. The 128mm was semi designed to be automatic, and a five clip shell case would be man fed into the gun, unlike the manual one shot 128mm Pak 44 which was not rifled on the Maus super heavy tank...

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  70717 Hits

Perhaps a larger mystery than the Egyptian Pyramids

As far as we are concerned, the Egyptian pyramids could have been built by Aliens. Yes, we cant really doubt that because they align so well with the sun and stars. AliensOr maybe, because ancient Egypt had millions of men, ready to die for the pharaoh , and a ton of slaves, they were created by humans? ( we cant discern this "theory" either). You know how things are, men like to build everything bigger and bolder than their ancestors. HumansBut there is one mystery which we cannot even dare to explain, this would be the little known superstructure known as " The Coral Castle". Located in the far southern tip of Florida in a medium sized town called Homestead. Yeah, it's pretty close to home dear reader. Homestead, FloridaThe coral castle is an enormous castle-like structure created by first time immigrant from Latvia Edward Leedskalnin.Leedskalnin was a strange man. Before...

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General Butt Naked

Christened "Joshua Milton Blahyi " after his conversion to Christianity, the feared General Butt Naked was once a powerful leader--leading his armies of child soldiers through intimidation. Joshua Milton BlahyiGeneral Butt-Naked started out as a boy born in a small  Krahn village in northern Liberia.A bit of background in Liberia: Liberia was probably the first country to be fully run by a black majority, it was established by the USA in the mid 1800s as a colony to return illegally smuggled slaves, and in general, move the blacks back to their motherland. It has been in a constant civil war since then, with people like president Samuel Doe being violently executed by opposing rebels.General Butt-Naked had a vision as a small child, in this vision he saw his pagan god (village totem)  Nyanbe-a-weh , he was then instructed to kill and eat human hearts, and drink human blood [by the gods],...

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Aokigahara Forest -the sea of trees and souls- a revisit

We recently wrote about the mystique surrounding Aokigahara Forest, following a beautiful documentary on the forest in regards to it's infamous side.We decided to share some more recent knowledge with you about the worlds second largest suicide destination in the world, the golden gate bridge being the first.We read about a book from 1993 by the now infamous writer Wataru Tsurumui , and his deemed "suicide manual" where he writes about the art of suicide, and the many tactics one should do and not do to die honorably. Ironically, he states the beautiful forest beneath the great Mount Fuji as "the perfect place to die". Some say you find one dead person hanging from a tree every 10 yards From 1993-2012 the number of confirmed suicides stands at 633, this is quite shocking, simply because 90% of the people that hang themselves or die of sleeping pill overdoses etc, are never recovered....

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Suicide Forest Of Japan

We accidentally stumbled upon something rather gruesome today. Naturally, we will share it with you. Lets begin by saying that in human nature, we try to ignore the bad, we try to ignore it even when it becomes a blatant, and straightforward concern. Suicide as a whole is one of the most major issues within today's modernized society. In countries like the USA, South Korea and as you will see, in Japan, competition is rough, tough capitalism means that if you don't do too well in school, you are worthless. This is the number one reason why teens make up 90% of suicide victims worldwide. Here is a documentary that focuses on Japan's beautiful forest , lying fertile below a dormant volcano. Some 100 people are found here, having committed suicide for one reason or another. We hope this puts reality into your head, don't ignore problems.

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