Xenoverse DLC Pack 3 Released

Xenoverse DLC Pack 3 Released

The Dragonball Xenoverse DLC pack 3 was released late last week. This update included characters from “the resurrection of f” movie, new moves, new costumes and new masters. The update also included emperor’s death beam, golden Frieza and a level cap raise from 85 to 99 (which should give anyone that has the game plenty of more time to level up). The update also included 7 new z souls and a few new parallel quest missions. There Is, however, no new story mode in this update which is a letdown. This is the final update for Xenoverse and thus concludes one of the best dragonball games made in the past 5 years. Feel free to check us out on steam.

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Dragonball Xenoverse DLC Pack 2 Released

Dragonball Xenoverse DLC Pack 2 Released

The second DLC pack for the very popular videogame “Dragonball Xenoverse” has finally been released early this morning. The DLC pack adds 4 new characters Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron, Towa and Mira , new parallel quests, new story lines and even pan as a teacher (although who the f^&* wants that over omega shenron?)What’s even better is the addition of plenty of extra moves, costumes and Z-souls. Additionally, the level cap is now 85 so even if you have finished the game and tossed it aside, you can still level up 5 more levels (or 15 skill points) with this new addition.The DLC 3 pack will probably also be released within the next two months. According to our personal espionage reports, these will feature a golden Frieza and additional parallel quests.We honestly wish there would just be a pack that would only release all of the characters found in Budokai Tenkiachi...

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