The hammer thrower arrested

Darron Lynn Koenig the alleged man that attacked railroad workers by throwing hammers  has been captured. This comes after Darron Lynn Koenig, 51 began throwing hammers at railroad workers, and exposing his penis.When police arrived on the scene, Koenig brandished a knife, threatening to "gut you[the police] like piglets". When the police gave chase, Darron barricaded himself inside of his own tool-shed-- apparently he was some sort of construction worker.Koenig took out a tinderbox, and his penis and began setting a fire inside his shed. Police responded with tear gas and tazed Koenig , then wrestled him naked to the ground until he tapped out for mercy.Koenig was taken downtown, and booked on three counts of assault with a deadly weapon, for throwing that stash of hammers at fellow workers. He was also charged with threatening police officers and resisting arrest.His bond is set at 1/5 of a million dollars(200,000$). Poor...

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