Naked Man Breaks Into Home To Eat Chips

Naked Man Breaks Into Home To Eat Chips

An Indianan man woke up early last Friday to a very atrocious site. A naked man wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and some sneakers had broken into his home and was eating his chips. The needy perpetrator, now officially released as 19 year old Andrew Wozniak, apparently broke in hungry and immediately pounced on the unsuspecting chips. The official 911 tapes literally illustrate the homeowner saying “there is a naked man in my kitchen and now he is eating my chips”. Police were told that the homeowner physically pushed the man outside at 3 a.m. that morning. Later, police found the man walking down the street in just his underwear. A breathalyzer was issued and Wozniak failed it (although he insisted he was completely sober). Police immediately arrested Wozniak, charging him with breaking and entering, public drunkenness, disturbing the peace, theft and lewdness. Wozniak was then taken to a...

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Ron Mueck: perhaps the greatest sculptor of our time!

Ron Mueck is an Australian "hyper-realistic" sculptor that has created some of the finest pieces of sculpture of our time. Mueck implements techniques that are absolutely unheard of outside of the hyper-realistic field of art! Meuck uses actual human hair in his creations but, mostly, he creates the majority of his artwork using fiberglass and rubber (polymerized); often glazed with elastic paints. Here at theorderoftheironphoenix.com, we really appreciate art! In fact sculpture is a sort of passion of ours. Surprising, we never heard of Mueck until recently! His work stunned us (in a good way). We were so intrigued by this sculptor that we created a video in his honorable commemoration. Enjoy! We really just want to share with his greatness with our audience. The following video is indeed just a compilation of some of his work  (there are a few pieces that are not his, see comments below).

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