How The Peace Sign Is Embedded In War

How The Peace Sign Is Embedded In War

The peace sign is really represented in two distinct fashions. The first is the actual sign, rooted in pagan practice and roman polytheistic doctrine. The original peace sign lacked the circle around it. It was called a "Nero's cross" and would often be used by Roman Legionnaires as brooches or insignias on their shields to show their enemies that resistance was futile and anyone that resisted would be crucified. This was literally the case in many famous and documented excursions into Judea. There, Christ was crucified by soldiers of the Nero cross. So how did something rooted in such violence become a peace sign? Well… that we can’t tell you for sure. Nero's Cross Let’s move on to the second image that we can immediately recognize as a symbol of peace. After all, aren't symbols worth a million words?The second symbol that comes to mind is definitely the V shape with...

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How one toothpick could have changed the course of history

How one toothpick could have changed the course of history

Just a Damn toothpick. One damn toothpick! Although this may come as a surprise, there is one damming piece of history that could have changed the world. Would this have been a better world? Probably not. But we will make this very easy to follow and understand.   -Let’s rewind to 1258 A.D.- In 1012 A.D. there was a noble Swedish family from the province of Östergötland. This notable family suffered from a history of dental issues. These oral diseases led to a weakening of the gum line. When accumulated, this resulted in tooth loss. And on a fateful day in 1022 AD, the lord of Östergötland was chewing on a piece of bad fish. Suddenly, the great lord’s teeth all just fell out. At the time, Sweden had no breakthrough studies in recreating lost teeth or dentures.  Simultaneously, a woodworker in Sandwich, England was finished creating the first wooden denture. By...

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